Emerald Ginny Ooi & Joseph Hoo

Emerald Ginny Ooi & Joseph Hoo


As a second-generation Amway business owner, I grew up with Amway products and developed a deep trust in the products and the company. I admired Amway founders' fundamentals and core values, and my parents' beautiful diamond lifestyle. Recognising the significant potential in the health and wellness industry, I started pursuing the Amway business part-time.

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Over the years, I transitioned from a Finance Director at a US MNC in the aviation industry to an Amway lifestyle entrepreneur.  Joseph continues to work as a General Manager at a local company. Together, we lead a team of Amway business owners thriving in the health and wellness arena. We run wellness programs, fitness activities, and build our Blue Zone community. We stay updated with the latest scientific research, and translate that into practical tips to share with our community. Along with cutting-edge Nutrilite supplements, we help people live better, healthier lives while enjoying the amazing rewards provided by the Amway business platform.

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One of the greatest rewards from Amway is seeing our team grow personally, professionally, and financially. We've evolved from business partners to close friends, and eventually forming a close Amway family.

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I enjoy great freedom and flexibility that allows me to spend quality time with our only daughter, Jing Rou. We love to go for Amway-sponsored trips, especially travelling with our family – parents Founders Executive Diamond Ooi Hock Leong and Sai Lim, and brother and sister-in-law, Pey Hann and Allyson. These incredible experiences have brought us closer while creating lasting memories.

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We are grateful to our parents for their guidance, and the late Diamond Ms. Chan Poh Yoke for introducing the Amway business to my family. Special thanks to Crown Ambassadors Sonny & Guat Hua Ho and all CVI leaders for their motivation and teamwork.  Let’s work towards A70 Diamond together!